Saturday, February 26, 2011

19 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 19 weeks.
Size of Baby: The size of a large mango.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Total for this pregnany I have gained 5 pounds, although by the looks of me it's way more.
Gender: Unknown - I'm 90% sure that this baby is a girl!  Derek is also thinking its a girl!  What's your guess?
Movement: I have finally felt the little sucker move.  I love the feeling...hopefully it will start happening more frequently.
Sleep: Just dandy!
What I Miss: Sleeping through the night.  I get up at least 2 times each night to use the bathroom!
Cravings: Hamburger Helper.  Sounds gross but tasted great!
Symptoms: None!  I'm quite lucky!!!
Best Moment This Week: A quiet week at nice!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Our ultrasound.  I can't wait to see our little babe!  The Ultrasound is March 3rd at 8AM - I'll be sure to let you all know how it goes.

Happy Birthday to "Grandma Kontz" on the 26th!!!  We love you!

19 Weeks - February 23rd

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

18 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 18 weeks.
Size of Baby: The size of a Chicken Breast.  This little sucker is growing so much each week.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Total for this pregnany I have gained 5 pounds, although by the looks of me it's way more.
Gender: Unknown - I'm 90% sure that this baby is a girl!  Derek is also thinking its a girl!  What's your guess?
Movement: I haven't felt any kicks or jabs yet but I can't wait for these to start!
Sleep: Just dandy!
What I Miss: Sleeping through the night.  I get up at least 2 times each night to use the bathroom!
Cravings: Carbs.  I could eat bread all day (I guess this isn't really pregnancy related since I could have done the same things before being pregnant!)
Symptoms: None!  I'm quite lucky!!!
Best Moment This Week: Another doc's visit allowed us to hear the heatbeat again.  It was in the 140's this time.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Our ultrasound.  I can't wait to see our little babe!

18 Weeks - February 16th

Thursday, February 10, 2011

17 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 17 weeks.
Size of Baby: 5 inches in length and approximately 5 (or more) ounces in length.  About the size of your palm.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I am not sure of my weight gain, but it feels (and looks) like I have gained a ton!
Gender: Unknown - I'm 90% sure that this baby is a girl!  Derek is also thinking its a girl!  What's your guess?
Movement: I haven't felt any kicks or jabs yet but I can't wait for these to start!
Sleep: Just dandy!
What I Miss: Sleeping through the night.  I get up at least 2 times each night to use the bathroom!
Cravings: Skittles - not the most healthy!
Symptoms: None!  I'm quite lucky!!!
Best Moment This Week: Getting over the flu.  It all came over me Monday and it lasted until Wednesday.  I think being pregnant really makes getting sick worse!  PS - I can't imagine what it's like to have morning sickness. 
What I'm Looking Forward To: I have a short week of work this upcoming week and then it's a weekend full of fun at Arrowwood with my family!  We also go back to the doctor on the 17th!

17 Weeks & 1 Day - February 10th!