Sunday, March 27, 2011

23 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 23 Weeks
Size of Baby: Just over a pound in weight.  It seems like the Babe has graduated from being compared to fruit!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I have gained 10 pounds total.  Too bade it feels like I have gained 100!!

Gender: Your guess is as good as ours!
Movement: Yes!  Sometimes I feel like I should be paying admission to watch my stomach move.  The little tike has gotten in some good jabs and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Sleep: Just dandy!
What I Miss: Nothing really!

Cravings: No real cravings but I do seem to be eating more and more all the time!
Symptoms: Nothing unusual – I have some lower back pain and some muscle aches, but nothing that I can’t handle!
Best Moment This Week: We bought our first family sedan this week.  Derek went and got it and it is so nice.  I love my new car and I feel safe which is the most important!

What I'm Looking Forward To: Spring – we had such a tease and then more snow.

23 Weeks - March 23rd

22 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 22 Weeks
Size of Baby:  About 1 pound in weight and 8 inches in length.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: The last time I was at the doctor I had gained 5 pounds – I bet I have gained 10 by now.Gender: Your guess is as good as ours!
Movement: Tons!  The babe already seems to have a little schedule of his/her own.  Just like clockwork it feel kicks at 6:30 AM, it’s like a silent alarm.  It must go back to sleep while I’m getting ready for work but around 8:30 AM and throughout the rest of the day I feel and “see” kicks and jabs.
What I Miss: No limitations.  I sure do miss being able to just lift and move whatever I wanted.  I know that it’s for my and the babe’s safety, but I’m sure missing it!
Cravings: No real cravings but I do seem to be eating more and more all the time!
Symptoms: Nothing unusual – I have some lower back pain and some muscle aches, but nothing that I can’t handle!
Best Moment This Week: I forgot to blog about this and rereading last week’s post made me realize that I haven’t mention that Derek switched jobs.  He is now working for Hancock Concrete.  He loves his new job and is so much happier and feels like it’s a way better fit.  I couldn’t have asked for better timing for this as he was really struggling at Westmor!  Everything happens for a reason I guess!
What I'm Looking Forward To: I have another doctor’s appointment on the 17th.  Is it weird that I LOVE going to the doctor?

22 Weeks - March 16th

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

To Get Done B4 Babe

I have always been a gal that makes lists (thanks Mom!).  To Do Lists, Grocery Lists, Menu’s, Chore Lists, the list of lists goes on and on.  The “To Get Done B4 Babe List” started almost immediately when we found out I was pregnant.  I don’t want to near the end of this pregnancy and regret not getting something done, therefore a list is a must.

These lists drive my husband nuts.  Sometimes he likes them.  Sometimes he wants to tell me and my lists to take a hike.  None the less he has been so helpful in crossing things off my many lists.  Because I’m so proud of him and what he has done to get ready for our little babe, I wanted to make an online list (okay…maybe the list is for me too!) so we could look back and see everything that got done in the upcoming months!  Here goes…

To Get Done B4 Babe
  • Clear Our Babe’s Room (post about our nursery progress coming soon)
  • Paint Babe’s Room
  • Get Crib From Mom’s House
  • Register for Babe
  • Hang New Ceiling Fan in Babe’s Room
  • Paint Something for Babe’s Room (this should be interesting!!)
  • Find Bedding for Crib
  • Buy Bedding for Crib
  • Find Daycare (we choose a daycare today and we are both exited and so relieved!)
  • Organize Basement
  • Set Up Office In Basement
  • Paint Basement (Floors & Walls)
  • Paint Bedroom
  • Paint Bathroom
  • Clean Out Closets
  • Build Shelves in Basement Laundry Room
  • Hook Up Hard Water Faucet
  • Hang New Light in Hallway
  • Get & Hang Chandelier from Mom’s House
  • Put Up Surround Around Shower
*** Disclaimer: This list may grow according to wants/needs***

Sunday, March 13, 2011

21 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 21 Weeks
Size of Baby: The size of a large banana in length and weights almost 11 ounces (our baby has already surpassed that mark!!)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: The last time I was at the doctor I had gained 5 pounds – I bet I have gained 10 by now.  Especially with all the Girl Scout Cookies I ate this weekend!
Gender: Your guess is as good as ours!
Movement: Tons!  I “saw” the baby kick this week.  It looked like he/she was practicing boxing moves.  I’m sure Derek will be able to feel it soon!
Sleep: Just dandy!
What I Miss: Having clothes that fit.  I am not in any maternity tops yet, but I did put on some maternity pants and they are wonderful – so much more comfortable than my jeans with a hair binder securing them!
Cravings: No real cravings but I do seem to be eating more and more all the time!
Symptoms: My lower stomach has been hurting lately, my guess is that it’s the muscles stretching to make room for this oversized kid!!
Best Moment This Week: Noting to do with baby, but I received a promotion this week and work, complete with my own office!  I love having a space to call my own and also a definite direction at work!
What I'm Looking Forward To: We have another doctor’s appointment coming up (17th).  We will get to discuss our ultrasound and everything that went on that day (a completely different story!)

21 Weeks & 2 Days - March 12

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ultrasound & Pictures

Ultrasound – February 3rd, 2011

We had our first (and more than likely) only ultrasound this week.  I truly wish that I could put into words how amazing this experience was for us!  We spent about 45 minutes watching our babe and learning so much about him/her.  Everything that the Ultrasound Tech pointed out looked great (from our non-medical background). 

The heart rate was 148 during the entire ultrasound.  After she had done all the measuring the looking that she needed too she told us that the baby and I are both measuring about a week ahead of schedule.  This means that according to the weight of the babe I am 21 weeks.  The babe weighted in at 14 oz. (according to be trusting pregnancy book it should 10 oz).

The pictures below truly don’t do the entire experience justice but I can’t help but share them. 

The Ultrasound Tech thought that maybe the babe was
sucking his/her thumb.

A girl I work with thinks that the babe looks like D!

20 Weeks - Half Way!

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 20 Weeks –

Size of Baby: The size of a small cantaloupe!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Total for this pregnany I have gained 5 pounds, although by the looks of me it's way more.
Gender: This is for sure staying as a mystery.  We had our ultrasound this week and we did not find out the gender.  It was hard to pass up the opportunity, but I’m so glad that we did.
Movement: Tons!  I tell Derek all the time that I think this kid has ADD – he/she is constantly moving.  It is the neatest feeling and is so reassuring!!
Sleep: Just dandy!
What I Miss: Having clothes that fit.  I am not in any maternity tops yet, but I did put on some maternity pants and they are wonderful – so much more comfortable than my jeans with a hair binder securing them!
Cravings: No real cravings but I do seem to be eating more and more all the time!
Symptoms: Heartburn – I’m definitely not complaining!
Best Moment This Week: Feeling and Seeing our baby!  It was definitely a monumental week!
What I'm Looking Forward To: I can’t wait until I can grab Derek’s hand and throw it on my belly so he can feel the little babe move.  I sometimes feel like he is being left out of this whole experience so having his feel the baby will be really neat!

No picture of me this week - you acutally get to see
this little babe!