Sunday, June 26, 2011

35 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 35 Weeks
Size of Baby:  At our ultrasound on 6/6/11 the baby weighed 6 pounds 8 ounces (yes the little tike gained 3 ounces in 4 days!)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: The last time I was weighted was when I was at the doctor (on May 19th) and I had gained 19 pounds.
Gender: Leave a comment with your guess and we will add you to the baby board!  My guess is Girl!!
Movement: It’s almost constant.  When I go in for my weekly NST’s the nurses are constantly amused at how much the baby moves! 
Sleep: Decent – It’s getting harder and harder to get (or stay) comfortable.  I know it’s only going to get worse!
What I Miss: I’m certain our lives will never be “quite” again.  I liked have some quite nights at home, but now it seems as though we meet ourselves coming and going!
Symptoms: I'm having a few contractions but I would say they are just Braxton Hicks!
Best Moment This Week: This is an entire separate post in itself!  When I can finally wrap my brain around what is happening, I’ll write an entire post.  Maybe I can even convince Daddy to write it!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Holding a baby instead of being pregnant with a baby!

35 Weeks - June 15th

34 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 34 Weeks
Size of Baby:  At our ultrasound on 6/2/11 the baby weighed 6 pounds 5 ounces.  Our pregnancy book says the babe should weigh in at 5 pounds and 20 inches long.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: The last time I was weighted was when I was at the doctor (on May 19th) and I had gained 19 pounds.
Gender: Leave a comment with your guess and we will add you to the baby board!  My guess is Girl!!
Movement: It’s almost constant.  When I go in for my weekly NST’s the nurses are constantly amused at how much the baby moves! 
Sleep: Decent – It’s getting harder and harder to get (or stay) comfortable.  I know it’s only going to get worse!
What I Miss: My sister-in-law’s bachelorette party was this past weekend.  Even though I was able to go and hang out for a few hours, I miss being able to stay until the last person is ready for bed.  Now it seems like I’m the first one to leave.  I guess my “partyin’” days will soon return.  Look our world!!
Symptoms: I'm having a few contractions but I would say they are just Braxton Hicks!
Best Moment This Week: “Girls Day” proved to be a huge success!  I had a wonderful time and the weather was so nice we were able to enjoy lunch on the patio!
What I'm Looking Forward To: My sister-in-law is getting married (again) on the 11th of June.  Her wedding should prove to be a great time to see friends and family and lets not forget the dancing!

***Alot has happened in the last week!  I plan on devoting and entire blog post to all that's happening, until then here is myself in the hospital!  It's a glamerous life!!***

34 Weeks - June 8th

33 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 33 Weeks
Size of Baby: 4.5 pounds is what the pregnancy books says….thinking our babe is tipping the scales at a little more than that!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: The last time I was weighted was when I was at the doctor (on May 19th) and I had gained 19 pounds.
Gender: Leave a comment with your guess and we will add you to the baby board!  My guess is Girl!!
Movement: It’s almost constant.  When I go in for my weekly NST’s the nurses are constantly amused at how much the baby moves! 
Sleep: Decent – It’s getting harder and harder to get (or stay) comfortable.  I know it’s only going to get worse!
What I Miss: Nothing to much this week!
Symptoms: I'm having a few contractions but I would say they are just Braxton Hicks!
Best Moment This Week: We had a blast at my Birthday BBQ and Bonfire.  I can’t wait to spend the rest of the summer doing the same exact thing!
What I'm Looking Forward To: My Mom and sisters gave me a “Girls Day” for my birthday.  Complete with Shopping, Lunch, Manicure & Pedicure!  I can’t wait to enjoy the time I have with them!  My Grandma is even coming with us!!!

33 Weeks - May 1st

32 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 32 Weeks
Size of Baby: Our books says the babe should weight about 4 pounds and be about 19 inches long.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: The last time I was weighted was when I was at the doctor (on May 5th) and I had gained 17 pounds.
Gender: Leave a comment with your guess and we will add you to the baby board!  My guess is Girl!!
Movement: All the time!  Not only am I feeling movement, I’m also seeing movement.  The entire belly moves sometimes when I’m sitting down. 
Sleep: Just dandy!
What I Miss: Nothing to much this week!
Symptoms: I'm having a few contractions but I would say they are just Braxton Hicks!
Best Moment This Week: We had a 3-D ultrasound when we went to the Dr. in Fergus and we got some pretty amazing pictures.  It’s crazy to think that we will know what this baby looks like when he/she is born.
What I'm Looking Forward To: It’s almost by birthday!  We are having a BBQ and Bonfire at our house to celebrate as that’s about all I have the ambition for!  Should be a great time!

32 Weeks - May 25th