Friday, December 17, 2010

9 Weeks

 Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 9 weeks.
Size of Baby: About 1 inches in length - the size of a medium green olive.  Our baby had a big week this week, he/she is no longer a embryo and has graduate to a fetus! 
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 1.5 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: None yet.
Gender: Unknown - we don't plan on finding out. 
Movement: About another month of so before I feel any movement!
Sleep: Must not be too bad.  On Tuesday I made Chili for supper, we ate and then I laid down on the couch.  I feel asleep at 7pm and slept until 9:30pm when Derek woke me up and told me to go to bed.  I did just that and slept until 7am Wednesday morning.  This little sucker makes me so tired!
What I Miss: Sleeping through the night.  I get up at least 2 times each night to use the bathroom!
Cravings: Thankfully the hotdog craving has subsided and now I just crave food.
Symptoms: Tired and Hungry.
Best Moment This Week: Our great friends had their baby this week.  We have been able to snuggle him so much and it certainly makes us excited to snuggle our own!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Our 10 week appointment which is scheduled for December 22nd.  We are supposed to hear the heartbeat at this appointment!  I think hearing the heartbeat will make it so much more real!

9 weeks & 1 day - December 16th!

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