Thursday, April 28, 2011

27 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 27 Weeks
Size of Baby: 2 ½ pounds and 14 ½ inches long.  About the size of a head of cauliflower.
Total Weight Gain/Loss
: The last time I was weighted was when I was at the doctor (on the 14th) and I had gained 12 pounds.
Gender: Your guess is as good as ours!
Movement: All the time!  Not only am I feeling movement I’m also seeing movement.  The entire belly moves sometimes when I’m sitting down. 

Sleep: Just dandy!
What I Miss: Having clothes that fit.  It is becoming more and more of a chore to find clothes in my closet that will cover my belly.
Symptoms: The last time at I was at the doctor (on the 14th) I had my Glucose test which I passed with flying colors but I did have a very low iron count so I was put on an iron supplement that I take 3x per day.  Nothing major and definitely easy to deal with!

Best Moment This Week: Derek and I started to register for this little babe.  It was so much fun to think of all the things that we are going to get to experience in the next few months.  Derek may have had a little too much fun – he did say that registering for a baby is WAY more fun that registering for a wedding!
What I'm Looking Forward To: We are heading down to my Aunt’s house for the Easter weekend.  I can’t wait to see everyone and just get away for a few days!

***No picture this week – I guess time just got away from us!***

Saturday, April 16, 2011

26 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 26 Weeks
Size of Baby: Here is word for word from the pregnancy book…”Next time you are browsing through the meat department, pick up a 2-pound chuck roast.  No, not for dinner – just so you can get a sense of how big your baby is this week.”  Good to know!!
Total Weight Gain/Loss
: I have gained 12 pounds total.  I was just weighted when I went to the doctor on the 14th.

Gender: Your guess is as good as ours!
Movement: All the time!

Sleep: Just dandy!
What I Miss: My family.  Everyone left Abbey and I this week. Mom, Brian & Kenz are in Mexico and Derek is in NJ for work training.  I’m sure glad Abbey was here or it could have been a really long week!

Cravings: No real cravings but everything I make I certainly eat!
Symptoms: Nothing unusual.

Best Moment This Week: We had a 50th wedding anniversary party for Derek’s Grandparents at our house this past weekend.  It was great to have everyone here and it’s always good to get together.
What I'm Looking Forward To: My family coming home!!!  It will be nice to have everyone just a phone call away again!

26 Weeks & 2 Days - April 15th

Thursday, April 14, 2011

25 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 25 Weeks
Size of Baby: More than 1½ pounds and 9 inches in length.
Total Weight Gain/Loss
: I have gained 10 pounds total.

Gender: Your guess is as good as ours!
Movement: All the time!  Derek was even able to feel the babe this week.  He had his hand on my belly and right when it kicked he pulled away – I think it must have scared him!

Sleep: Just dandy!
What I Miss: Mobility.  It’s getting more and more difficult to get in and out of the car and truck.  Derek used to joke that he was going to have to help me but now he really does.  Good thing he is willing!!

Cravings: Dairy Queen Blizzards.  We had them 2 nights this week.  Again, good thing my husband is willing to go and get them for me (I guess it doesn’t hurt that he got one for himself while he was there!)
Symptoms: I was slightly uncomfortable this week.  I think the babe was just going which meant that my belly had to grow too.  I’m sure this is just a phase and I will be just fine.  At any rate, I’ll take being uncomfortable if it means that our babe is packing on the pounds!
Best Moment This Week: Mom and Brian came in on Saturday and helped us do a ton of things around the house.  We (and I use that term very loosely) fixed the broken sump pump line in the front yard, we hung the new ceiling fan in the babe’s room and also hung a new light fixture in the front hall way.  My Uncle and Cousin were also able to come over and see our house!  All and all it was a great weekend full of lots of family and productivity!  Thanks so much Mom and Brian!!

What I'm Looking Forward To: We have another doctors appointment coming up next week.  I’ll be 26 weeks then so I have a glucose test.  After this appointment I will start going every 2 weeks instead of every 4-5 weeks.  That can only mean one things – our babe’s day is coming and coming fast!

25 Weeks - April 7th

24 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 24 Weeks
Size of Baby: 1½ pounds and 8½ inches long.
Total Weight Gain/Loss
: I have gained 10 pounds total.

Gender: Your guess is as good as ours!
Movement: All the time!

Sleep: Just dandy!
What I Miss: No restrictions.  I know it may sounds weird, but I miss being able to do everything I wanted without worrying it was going to hurt me or the babe. 

Cravings: Popsicles…good thing I bought the ones that are made with real fruit and have no sugar!
Symptoms: Nothing unusual.
Best Moment This Week: We had another productive weekend around the house.  I have to update the “To Do B4 Babe” list because we are crossing so much stuff off!!!

What I'm Looking Forward To: A week with a great looking spring forecast!!

**No picture this week - time got away from me I guess!**

Friday, April 8, 2011

The View From Here

I promise to update this blog soon!  I've got several posts in the works (aka in my brain!).  Until then...

The View From Here!