Thursday, April 28, 2011

27 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 27 Weeks
Size of Baby: 2 ½ pounds and 14 ½ inches long.  About the size of a head of cauliflower.
Total Weight Gain/Loss
: The last time I was weighted was when I was at the doctor (on the 14th) and I had gained 12 pounds.
Gender: Your guess is as good as ours!
Movement: All the time!  Not only am I feeling movement I’m also seeing movement.  The entire belly moves sometimes when I’m sitting down. 

Sleep: Just dandy!
What I Miss: Having clothes that fit.  It is becoming more and more of a chore to find clothes in my closet that will cover my belly.
Symptoms: The last time at I was at the doctor (on the 14th) I had my Glucose test which I passed with flying colors but I did have a very low iron count so I was put on an iron supplement that I take 3x per day.  Nothing major and definitely easy to deal with!

Best Moment This Week: Derek and I started to register for this little babe.  It was so much fun to think of all the things that we are going to get to experience in the next few months.  Derek may have had a little too much fun – he did say that registering for a baby is WAY more fun that registering for a wedding!
What I'm Looking Forward To: We are heading down to my Aunt’s house for the Easter weekend.  I can’t wait to see everyone and just get away for a few days!

***No picture this week – I guess time just got away from us!***

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