Friday, January 14, 2011

13 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 13 weeks.
Size of Baby: About 3 inches in length - the size of a peach. 
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 2.6 pounds...the last time I weighed myself!
Gender: Unknown - we are now undecided if we will find our the gender of our little one!  I say YES PLEASE and Derek says maybe.
Movement: I could feel "flutters" of the baby at anytime now!
Sleep: I have grown out of my tired stage!  I was up until 11pm on Wednesday!!!
What I Miss: Sleeping through the night.  I get up at least 2 times each night to use the bathroom!
Cravings: I've been craving sweets...definately not as good as the fresh fruit!
Symptoms: Tired and Hungry.
Best Moment This Week: Knowing I'm almost done with the first trimester!! 1 down and 2 to go!
What I'm Looking Forward To: We have our appointment this coming week (the 20th)!  I can't wait to hear the heartbeat again!  We are also working on clearing out the baby's room...we moved our office down to the basement and will continue to work to get it ready for much different furniture!

13 Weeks 2 Days - January 14th!!

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